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Однострочник для изменения времени создания файла. В один прекрасный момент слетело время доступа к файлам. Проверка целостности AUR пакетов после обновления.
NET libraries, tools and frameworks. Find the software you need. To know all the trending. Packages, news and articles. Compilers, Transpilers and Languages. Machine Learning and Data Science.
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A collection of awesome Ruby gems, tools, frameworks and software. Find the software you need. To know all the trending. Gems, news and articles. Simple and Terrifying Encryption Story. Quality and security analysis for Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Machine learning and data mining algorithms for JRuby.
A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources. Find the software you need. To know all the trending. Packages, news and articles. HTML, CSS and Javascript. Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading. An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
A curated list of awesome Elixir and Erlang packages and resources. Find the software you need. To know all the trending. Packages, news and articles. A parser to get useful info from telephone numbers. An authentication framework for use with Elixir applications.
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A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Find the software you need. To know all the trending. Libraries, news and articles. Fast and flexible library with iterator and lazy parsing API. Framework for Behavioural Driven Development. The JVM is not that heavy. From 8GB to 90 MB heap memory allocation by using multiple JPA subentities. The JVM is not that heavy.
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Vi ökar livskaliteten för Eskilstunas invånare. Så här såg det ut på vårt glöggmingel med öppet hus 5 december på Frivilligcentralen. Till november månads volontär utsåg vi Anita Sundström. Anita har varit volontär i många år. Hon är väldigt omtyckt av sin omgivning. Är det någon som behöver lite extra stöd så finns Anita där. Vi på kontoret fick hjälp av henne att baka Lussebullar. Tårtan delades ut av vår kanslist Kerstin. Ett stort tack till all.